Notices Required by the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Company Name
aeru awai, LLC.
aeru company Representative
Rika Yajima, CEO
Site Name
aeru time-stay
1303-1 Yoza, Yosano, Yoza District, Kyoto 629-2423 JAPAN
Contact Information
Reservation Completion Period
Reservations made on this site are considered complete at the time we notify the user of the completion of the reservation.
Reservations are considered complete for advance payment by credit card at the time we notify the user of the completion of the credit card transaction.
Compensation for Services
Differs by accommodation plan. For details, please refer to the reservation page or contact us individually.
Payment Settlement
Differs by accommodation plan. For details, please refer to the reservation page or contact us individually.
For advance payment by credit card: Pay by card at the time of online reservation
Advance Payment Notification

After making your reservation, we will notify you of the following by email.

  • Acceptance or rejection of the client's application: Deemed accepted at the time the reservation is completed
  • The name, address, and phone number of the service provider: listed at the end of the email
  • Amount of money received: This will be listed in the email as the Amount Received
  • Date of receipt of payment: This will be listed in the email as the Settlement Completion Date.
  • Types of services applied for: The name of your accommodation plan will be listed in the email
  • Period of services provided: This will be listed in the email as Expected Accommodation Dates
Cancellation Fee
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Accommodation Agreement, conditions vary by accommodation plan.
For details, please refer to the Accommodation Agreement or contact us individually.
Contact Us
For inquiries regarding accommodations, please use the business contact above.